Releasing the Fear: Taking Back Control

Fearing for your life is traumatizing.

When our mind/body believes it is in danger it shoots us right into survival mode, or flight/fight/freeze. In the fight or flight response the body prepares itself for what it believes to be a life-threatening event by directly facing or running away from a challenge. If neither fight nor flight can be successfully engaged, as can be the case for what we are experiencing with COVID-19, a freezing response occurs. Many of us are frozen inside our homes fearing the virus and for our lives.

But it is not the danger of the virus that is prolonging our sense of relief and being safe. It is the constant reminder from the media that the virus is still out there and that the cases are continuing to grow. We all want to believe journalists and anchors are reporting on the virus to help keep us safe, but, reality is, their job is to keep you watching, to increase their ratings, and what a better way to keep you watching than to keep you scared.We already know the virus can be life threatening, and now, every time the media reminds us of that, or someone is talking about it we become re-traumatized and soar right back into survival mode. Which, at this point, is multiple times a day for most people.

“All threatening and traumatic events, if not resolved, trap energy in the body. This trapped energy can lead to all sorts of physical and emotional disease and suffering.” – Peter Levine, PhD

Have you felt more depressed lately? More irritable? Anxious? On-edge? Have you noticed more aches and pains? Loss of joy? A need to get away? Anger?

These are all symptoms that can come from unresolved trauma.

In our current situation, we have not been able finish the process needed to fully release the fear caused by the virus because we are being micro-traumatized daily by the media. Each time we are thrown back into survival mode the process is halted and a new one begins, trapping the previous fear in your body and mind. We become stuck in a vicious circle of highs and lows, unable to control our emotions and actions. We run on autopilot, unaware that fear has taken over and in control of our every thought and every action.

To resolve the trapped energy, fear, we need space and time to do it properly. Releases can look different for everyone from trembling and shaking to crying and fluctuating temperature, followed by rest and deep states of peace and healing.

How often do you really give yourself that time and space? How often do you push back the tears afraid to look or feel vulnerable? How often do you say, “I’m fine” when all you want to do scream and punch something?

These are all ways your body is trying to release this pent-up energy. Allow yourself to let go and feel. Tell yourself, “I survived” “I’m alive” “I’m not afraid anymore”. And TAKE BACK CONTROL!

But the more you listen to the news, read articles, scroll Facebook you will continue to be micro-traumatized and continue the fear cycle, living in autopilot.

Now I know you cannot fully remove yourself from our current situation (unless you go the Alaskan bush😊) but you can make a concerted effort to limit your exposure and find that space you need to process your fear.

What steps are you going to take to release your fear?  How do you plan to limit your media exposure? Are you ready to take back your life?
