Got 2 Minutes? Self-care strategies to live healthier!

Got 2 Minutes?

On August 21st, 2020, I got married!
During a pandemic, 
1000+ miles away from home. 
Yes, some plans had to be modified. 
Yes, there was stress and anxiety—
above and beyond the “normal”
wedding stress and anxiety.
But the wedding was amazing!

So, how did I balance all that?
What got me through,
mentally and physically?
In other words, making myself and
my health a priority in my busy life.

Two weeks before my wedding, I was busy!
Packing, finalizing wedding plans,
organizing last minute details, 
AND taking care of myself.
What did that look like? 
For me, self-care meant going
for a six-mile run on a Saturday
morning and watching the sun rise.
Taking a personal, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class.  
Doing a relaxing yoga sequence. 

But here’s the secret:
Self-care looks different for everyone!
Cooking, biking, yoga, reading,
Calling a friend, taking a bubble bath,
going for a walk.
The list is endless! 
The key is finding what gets you
out of your head space and DOING IT!

Why is self-care so important to
physical, mental, and emotional health?

One word:
According to the American Psychological
Association, long-term stress can
negatively affect nearly every system
in the body, 
causing pain and
inflammation responses ranging
from fairly mild symptoms, 
like muscle tension and headaches, 
to potentially severe complications, 
such as hypertension, heart attack and stroke¹  

Did you know, short-term stress 
can be beneficial,
 saving us from danger
or helping us perform well for
a job interview or special event?
It’s true! 
But long-term stress can be dangerous—
causing wear and tear on the entire body. 
Stress puts us at risk for diseases, 
a compromised immune system, 
and chronic health conditions. 

Stop this vicious cycle! 
Start paying attention to your body
and the stressors attacking it!

Does the thought of adding ANYTHING
more to your busy life feel
completely overwhelming?  
Good news! 
Self-care doesn’t have to be long and
time-consuming to be effective.

Two minutes.
Start with just two minutes of self-care. 
What can you do in two minutes?
And the benefits can last a lifetime!

Ready to get started? 
Try these 3 powerful two-minute stress-busters TODAY!

1.   Breathe. 

Breathing is one of the simplest,
most basic natural body functions—
and yet easily forgotten when 
drowning in stress or 
riddled with anxiety.

Physiologically, our bodies react 
to stress in many different ways, 
but breathing exercises can 
combat many stress reactions. 

Different breathing techniques focus 
on different responses and outcomes². 

Try this: 
Close your eyes.
Inhale through your nose for 4 counts. 
Exhale for 3 counts. 
This stimulated your 
sympathetic nervous system, 
helping you feel animated and active.

Now try this: 
Inhale for 3 counts.
Exhale for 4 counts.  
This breathing pattern stimulated
your parasympathetic nervous system 
and a calming, relaxation response.

Likewise, the speed of your breathing
is also important. 
When stressed, we often 
experience rapid breathing and 
racing thoughts. 
Why is that?
Because the rate of your breath equals 
the rate of your thoughts!

Slow down.

Taking slow, deep, controlled breaths
will not only calm your racing heart,
but will also calm your racing mind! 
Sound interesting?
Check out “Breathing exercises: 
6 ways to Breathe Yourself Calm”


2.    Meditation.  

Feeling overwhelmed or anxious? 
STOP the non-stop activity in your life! 
A 1 or 2 minute intentional,
focused meditation 
calms your brain,
refocuses your energy, and
decreases stress and anxiety—
leaving you feeling revitalized
and recharged!  

Not sure how to get started? 
No problem!

Try a simple Body Scan³:
Close your eyes.
Feel your right foot.
Feel your left foot.
Feel both feet.
Feel all of your toes. 
Continue to feel the rest
of your body in this same way.
Feel your legs, back, stomach, chest,
shoulders, arms, hands and face. 
By the end, you will be aware and 
mindful of your entire body, 
including any areas that are tense or
tight, allowing relaxation and a feeling of calm. 

Want more? 
There are many free websites and apps
to guide you! 
Some of my favorites include: and


3.    Positive self-talk. 

What do you hear? 
We all have a little voice 
inside us that makes judgements
and perceptions
about what’s 
going on around us and within us. 
What’s your little voice saying? 
If it’s something not-very-nice or negative,
shut it down—immediately! 
Negative self-talk creates stress 
and all the negative results 
of stress in your body! 

When your brain whispers,
“I always fail,” 
instead think,
“I can do better next time.” 
This small, simple shift 
will instantly change your whole 
outlook and switch your mindset 
to a positive, can-do attitude! 
For additional strategies, 
check out

We can’t control a pandemic.
We can’t control what 
other people think or do or say. 
But we CAN take care of ourselves.
We CAN fight isolation.
We CAN fight our body’s shutting down,
crushed under a mountain of stress we
just can’t hold up anymore. 
We CAN adopt a positive tunnel vision:
Focusing on ourselves and our own health. 

So what do you think?
Can you find just two minutes to 
focus on YOU—and your health—TODAY?
It doesn’t matter what self-care activity you choose, 
just make it intentional and personal to YOU.
Your future, healthier self will thank you!



 ***These great sources contributed to this article. Please reference them for additional information!


