My New Favorite Recipe

Over the last month, Matt and I decided to change the way we eat. We recently listened to the docuseries ‘Broken Brain’ by Dr. Mark Hyman and his arguments on how our current diet, as a society (fast, processed, and filled with additives), affects our entire body hit close to home. With both of us having a history of anxiety and depression, family history of heart disease and cancer, we decided to look into how we eat a bit deeper. The shift towards non-processed, whole foods (out of all the ‘diets’ we looked at I prefer to follow the pegan diet) has been slow and harder than we thought but the benefits have out weighed the difficulties. Within just a month, our energy levels are higher, minds are clearer, and cravings have diminished.

I was eating a peanut butter sandwich on a daily basis and didn’t know if I could go without bread for more than a day, but I substituted an apple for the bread and before I knew it I hadn’t consumed bread in a week. Don’t misunderstand, I don’t think ‘bread’ is bad, it is the ingredients the corporations use in our bread.

This whole process had been a learning and growing experience for both of us but I will end with this: I have eaten some of the best food ever since this change. My favorite recipe thus far has been Curried Beef with Winter Vegetables. It is savory and sweet and hearty. A definite must try and let me know what you think!

If you would like more information on Dr. Mark Hyman and the Broken Brain series click here


